Last week I only had 3.6 pounds to go til One-derland.....Did I make it???? Only the scale will tell. Weighed in this morning and ..........201.4.....NO did not make it, almost but not quite, still have 1.6 pounds to go. I did eat out too much last week, went to Starbucks too much and I haven't worked out in 3 days. So it's really not a surprise that I didn't lose as much as I had hoped.
Lets see my week in review...
Friday I was off work so worked out early, went to Starbucks, went to lunch at Moe's, did some Christmas shopping and Starbucks again, then went out to dinner at Cracker Barrell
Saturday worked out early, Christmas tree shopping, went to lunch at Williamson Bros BBQ, then church (and they have a coffee bar better than Starbucks), then I made turkey pot pie with left over Thanksgiving turkey.
Sunday had lunch with Shane's family at Craker Barrell, worked out in afternoon and then went to Starbucks. We ate dinner at home - lemon pepper chicken and scalloped potatoes.
Monday, back to work hectic day, worked out after work, had Subway on the way home
Tuesday, No workout, helped Shane's mom put up her Christmas tree and we ordered pizza (and not very healthy pizza - deep dish with everything on it).
Wednesday, had lunch out and Starbucks, No workout, had to go grocery shopping and went to Chili's for dinner.
Thursday, Lunch from Jason's Deli (healthy), No workout, had a migraine, had homemade Turkey Chili for dinner.
And of course there was no calorie counting this week.
So all in all it was a mixed week. Not very good eating, so-so workouts, but lost 2 pounds.
GOAL for next week - One-derland here I come.
1. I will workout every day. My plan is going to be to do at least 2 miles in the morning or at lunch (or both if I can) and then workout at the gym with Tammy (cardio and strength training)
2. Eat at home. I will not eat out as much this week. I will control my food, not let my food control me.
3. Track my calories.
4. I will not go to Starbucks more than once this week.
So far today has gone good.
Breakfast - Oatmeal 140, 1/2 cup 2% milk 61, splenda and blueberries 41, and 8oz Apple Juice 117 .
Snack - Apple 74
Lunch - BBQ Chicken Quesadilla (Lean Cuisine) 260, 1/2 c Cottage Cheese 80
Snack - 2 Cheese Sticks 120
892 calories used, which leaves me 700-800 for dinner and snack later
I walked 2 miles on treadmill this afternoon, and will do more cardio and strength training tonight at gym.
About Me

- BJ
- Kennesaw, Georgia, United States
- My name is Billie, I am a 43 year old mother of two. I have been mostly losing the battle of the bulge for the past 20+ years, now I'm ready to lose it for good. Come along on my journey to beat the battle.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Phil 4:13
Phil 4:13
Friday, December 4, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving Over & Weigh Day
Friday is my official weigh day, and being the day after Thanksgiving I wasn't sure about it. I did weigh yesterday before I started cooking and eating and I was exactly the same as last week. So I figured it couldn't be that bad. This morning I weighed and what did I see.....203.4....woohoo...down .6, I'll take it.
Thanksgiving was a great day, with great friends and family. My first Thanksgiving I actually made. It turned out good. I took pics but left the camera at Tammy's house so she could download her so cute new pics. I'll post pics later. Everything turned out great, too much of course, but it was good. I think the turkey was a little dry, but everyone said it was good, I think they we just being nice and trying not to hurt my feelings. But for the first one, it wasn't too bad. Lots of yummy food, and only one dessert. Shane's dad made a pie, million dollar pie, it had fruit & cool whip and marshmallows, just one sliver for me. I didn't count calories, but only had a spoonful of each thing and two slices of turkey.
For breakfast I had my oatmeal and 12 grain toast. We then had Thanksgiving lunch. I wasn't stuffed, but satisfied. I then went over to Shane's parents house to visit, this is only down the street from the 24 hour gym I joined earlier (and I still have membership til mid December), so I decided on my way home I was going to do 2miles on the treadmill. Then when I got home I only had a small helping of corn casserole and a slice of cranberry sauce. I still wasn't very hungry but decided I should eat something. SO, a not so bad eating day, and I lost .6 pounds.
I'm headed out now to meet Tammy and workout. More later.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
2 Months - Battle of the Bulge
It has been 2 months since I started this journey to a healthier lifestyle. I am down 18 pounds and 14.75 inches overall (I will put stats in my sidebar). Yea Me. I am very motivated right now to continue this journey, but the holidays are coming up and there is always a lot of eating to do around the holidays. I think with the Christmas Challenge that I will be more motivated to stay on track. So Holidays here I come.
Interestingly, I have been talking about starting to count my calories again. When I first began this my children thought I was obsessed with calorie counting, and then I just kinda got away from it. I need to get back to that obsession, and start counting. I am doing alot of cardio and there's not a lot of results on the scale. I mean a pound a week, and it should be 3. So I'm going with the advice of the trainer at the gym, she said I needed between 1,600 and 1,900, so I'm going with 1,500. Okay, so not exactly the advice she gave, but close. I've been doing around 1,300, so I'm going to up it to 1,500 and see what results I get from that.
I am elated about the inches lost though. I have been feeling that my clothes are getting looser. My sweats are getting so baggy that the crotch hangs to my knees, and as I'm walking and sweating, I am getting chaffed on my legs. Soon there will be nothing there to chaff, but for now there is. So this week I'm looking for a smaller size sweats to work out in.
This weekend Shane and I volunteered at the community Thanksgiving for the needy in our city. I was so blessed by this, and know that I have so much to be thankful for. God is so good to us, and I was so happy to share in this experience. I makes me more thankful for the Thanksgiving dinner I will be preparing this next week. Everyone should pray for me though, I have never cooked Thanksgiving dinner before. I have always gone somewhere for Thanksgiving dinner where someone else cooked.
And for those of you that read my blog and Tammy's blog, she will not be home alone on Thanksgiving, because we have moved our Thanksgiving dinner to her house so she will be included with our family. She is such a great person, we love her and don't want her to be alone at the holiday. I am also thankful for Tammy, because without her I am sure I would not have decided to go on this journey again. She is a great inspiration.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Day 60 - Battle if the Bulge

Today is weigh day. So the scale says 204, down only 1 pound. I guess it's better than up 1 pound, but still not what I had hoped for. I've been working out twice a day, almost every day. Most mornings I do a mile on the treadmill and then I do 2 - 2.5 miles at night 6 days a week, I do strength training 5 days a week. Every other night I do the C25K, but I can only muster up enough energy to do 4 of the 8 runs. I'm working up to this though.
This morning I did the C25K, and could only do 4 of the 8 runs...I can't catch my breath in the minute and half it gives you to walk, but I'm going to try to do 6 of the runs next time. This is 1.5 miles. I then went at lunch time to the gym near my office, and walked another mile. So I'm down 2.5 miles today. I plan to go to the gym tonight and try the C25K again.
As I was doing my run this morning I suddenly had pain in two toes on my right foot. It felt like I was being stuck with a needle. I finished my walk/run and took my shoe and sock off, only find there was nothing in my shoe. I had worn blisters on my two toes. I have heard about this, in fact I think Tammy has had blisters for the last month or two, but to actually have them. It's hard to walk. So after my walk this afternoon, I immediately went to CVS and picked up some blister strips, they are feeling much better now. I will not let this keep me from goal.
I'm still not counting my calories, and I think this may be my problem. I'm not really overeating, and I'm watching what I eat, but maybe I'm taking in too many calories.
Yesterday I also bought a bottle of SmartWater. It looked smart, but was just about as smart as the water I get out of the water cooler at work. It didn't seem to make me any smarter, but the bottle was colorful. I actually bought this bottle of SmartWater because it was 34 ounces. If I fill it up twice I'm drinking 68 ounces. Yesterday I filled it up 4 times. So I think I'm doing good on my water.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Addictions...they say that when you give up one addiction another one takes over. Tammy and I were talking the other day about how addicting the gym is getting to be, and it is. I can't wait to get off work to go work out. We usually work out 6 days a week, doing cardio every night and weights 5 nights. I usually walk a mile at the gym in the morning, and I've been trying to figure out how to work in a mile at lunch time. It only takes 17 minutes for a mile, so I could do that at lunch. The gym is about 10 minutes away from my office, so 37 minutes and I still have time to eat. It could happen.
I worked at home today and actually thought about going back to bed for an hour before I got started on my work, and skip my workout. But I was so siked when I got up and stepped on the scale and it showed 2lbs down. Now today is not my weigh day, but kinda just peeked today. SO I had to get dressed and go work out. I just couldn't let it go today, and not try to have a loss this week. I figure the more cardio I do, the more fat I lose. So I JUST DID IT!!!! Walked 1.5 miles this morning, because I wasn't hurrying to get to work.
Watching the Biggest Loser tonight I found out that there is always a reason why we are fat, and you have to find out why or it won't work, you will go back to the same behavior if you don't come to grips with the reasons. I was thinking about this and I have some serious soul searching to do to figure out how I got to the point where I started putting on this weight. I really think it was a series of things, where everything kept happening. I have always been an emotional eater. Since I started my journey 8 weeks ago, I have been trying to change that behavior. I need my own personal Jillian to help with with this journey, she just gets inside your head and even though she appears to be a b*tch, it is a motivation to keep going.
I have been doing good with my food although I haven't been actually counting calories, and I feel that even though I'm eating what I should eat, I can see my old eating patterns coming back. I need to get back into counting the calories, not just figuring in my head. Because as I get older my head's just not what it used to be, and I have so many numbers running around in there, I could actually be eating too many calories.
Anyhow, I can tell in my clothes that I am losing inches, and I think this weekend I will take my measurements again to see where I am.
Quote for the day - What possibilities would exist for you if you could eliminate the worry from your day?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Battle of the Bulge - Week 8 - Weigh Day
Weigh Day today, the scale says 205.0, so that's a 1.5 loss. When I was at the gym Wednesday morning, they have a scale in the bathroom so, I weighed and I was at 203.2 which would have been 3.2 loss, but alas Mother Nature has reared her ugly head, and that's what happened to 3.2. But 1.5 is still a loss and I'll take it, any loss is a good loss.
My eating has been okay, although I have not actually counted calories. I have just kinda been figuring in my head...ok the oatmeal has 140, a piece of toast is 70, milk get the picture. But I think I may forget something, and still go over on my calories. So I am going back to calorie counting tomorrow.
I wasn't feeling very well the first of the week, I thought I was coming down with a cold. So I started taking Tylenol Cold during the day and Nyquil at night, so this could have also added to my not so great weight loss. I also started taking extra Vitamin C...and I as I was taking my Gummi Vitamin C this morning I read the label. What the heck....the Vitamin C Gummi's have 15 calories each....what???? I have to figure in the calories of the vitamins too??? What is up with that???
I have two more days of my 14 day cleanse, and as I was mixing my apple juice in with my cleanse this morning (because it tastes GROSS with water, and was recommended), I read the had 110 calories in the juice per 8 oz serving (which is what I use) once again, I have not been counting this as calories. I have definitely been going over my calorie limit. I have probably been at 2000 calories a day, I am so surprised I didn't gain this week. But then again with the cleanse, everything comes out...seriously.
I have done pretty ok with my workout. I worked out with Tammy on Saturday and Sunday morning, both 2 miles on treadmill and 2x the circuit on the weights. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday morning I did a mile on the treadmill before work. Monday night I did 2 miles, Tuesday I worked late so didn't get a second walk in, Wednesday night I did 2.5 miles, and Thursday I just didn't feel good and passed on the second walk. When I work out alone I don't have the extra push to go further. I'm also tired after working all day, so I think walking a second time is pretty darn good....but I could probably do more if I pushed myself.
I do plan to stop on my way home and at least walk 2 miles. Food has been good today, been watching it more carefully, but I think we will be going out to eat tonight so you never know what that will bring. Will start counting calories again tomorrow. I think 1250 - 1300 calories is good for me.
With the holidays coming up it is so hard to focus on weight loss, but I will be very mindful of this. I already have an exercise plan in place. The gym that Tammy and I work out at will be closed on Thanksgiving and I think they said they have short hours on the Friday after. So I still have my 24 hour gym membership and I will be working out Thanksgiving morning. We will be going to Shane's parents for Thanksgiving and the 24 hour gym is just down the street, so I will be stopping by there to do 2 or 2.5 miles on the treadmill before lunch. Then, depending on the hours, I will go on Friday morning and again Friday evening. I will also work out on Wednesday night prior to the big day. So hopefully this will help me not gain a lot. I also have an eating plan. I will have white meat turkey, only 1 or 2 slices, and only a spoonful of everything else (Tammy had suggested this when she went to a family get together earlier, and it seemed to work for her).
I don't have any family here (just me and my kids), so there will be no family get togethers, it will just be lunch with Shane's parents. Hopefully there will not be a lot of leftovers sent home with us. Sometimes it's sad not having any family around, but there is no use in getting depressed over thing I have no control over.
My short term goal, as I will not be seeing any of my family until at least spring, is to be at least half way to my goal weight by spring. So that will be 46 pounds gone or a weight of 176. I also have a big convention that my company attends in April. This will be another opportunity to show off the new me. All of the managers from out of town attend this convention, and I only see them once a year. This is also a great time to get some new clothes, as we have a hospitality cocktail party and a semi-formal dinner also. Of course by then none of my last year clothes will fit, so I will have to buy something new and very flattering.
So even though the holidays are right around the corner, my goals go beyond that and I will meet these goals. This will keep me on track during the holidays. I CAN DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!! With a little help from my friend and a lot of God's help.
Right now I'm still at work and must get some things done, so more later...
My eating has been okay, although I have not actually counted calories. I have just kinda been figuring in my head...ok the oatmeal has 140, a piece of toast is 70, milk get the picture. But I think I may forget something, and still go over on my calories. So I am going back to calorie counting tomorrow.
I wasn't feeling very well the first of the week, I thought I was coming down with a cold. So I started taking Tylenol Cold during the day and Nyquil at night, so this could have also added to my not so great weight loss. I also started taking extra Vitamin C...and I as I was taking my Gummi Vitamin C this morning I read the label. What the heck....the Vitamin C Gummi's have 15 calories each....what???? I have to figure in the calories of the vitamins too??? What is up with that???
I have two more days of my 14 day cleanse, and as I was mixing my apple juice in with my cleanse this morning (because it tastes GROSS with water, and was recommended), I read the had 110 calories in the juice per 8 oz serving (which is what I use) once again, I have not been counting this as calories. I have definitely been going over my calorie limit. I have probably been at 2000 calories a day, I am so surprised I didn't gain this week. But then again with the cleanse, everything comes out...seriously.
I have done pretty ok with my workout. I worked out with Tammy on Saturday and Sunday morning, both 2 miles on treadmill and 2x the circuit on the weights. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday morning I did a mile on the treadmill before work. Monday night I did 2 miles, Tuesday I worked late so didn't get a second walk in, Wednesday night I did 2.5 miles, and Thursday I just didn't feel good and passed on the second walk. When I work out alone I don't have the extra push to go further. I'm also tired after working all day, so I think walking a second time is pretty darn good....but I could probably do more if I pushed myself.
I do plan to stop on my way home and at least walk 2 miles. Food has been good today, been watching it more carefully, but I think we will be going out to eat tonight so you never know what that will bring. Will start counting calories again tomorrow. I think 1250 - 1300 calories is good for me.
With the holidays coming up it is so hard to focus on weight loss, but I will be very mindful of this. I already have an exercise plan in place. The gym that Tammy and I work out at will be closed on Thanksgiving and I think they said they have short hours on the Friday after. So I still have my 24 hour gym membership and I will be working out Thanksgiving morning. We will be going to Shane's parents for Thanksgiving and the 24 hour gym is just down the street, so I will be stopping by there to do 2 or 2.5 miles on the treadmill before lunch. Then, depending on the hours, I will go on Friday morning and again Friday evening. I will also work out on Wednesday night prior to the big day. So hopefully this will help me not gain a lot. I also have an eating plan. I will have white meat turkey, only 1 or 2 slices, and only a spoonful of everything else (Tammy had suggested this when she went to a family get together earlier, and it seemed to work for her).
I don't have any family here (just me and my kids), so there will be no family get togethers, it will just be lunch with Shane's parents. Hopefully there will not be a lot of leftovers sent home with us. Sometimes it's sad not having any family around, but there is no use in getting depressed over thing I have no control over.
My short term goal, as I will not be seeing any of my family until at least spring, is to be at least half way to my goal weight by spring. So that will be 46 pounds gone or a weight of 176. I also have a big convention that my company attends in April. This will be another opportunity to show off the new me. All of the managers from out of town attend this convention, and I only see them once a year. This is also a great time to get some new clothes, as we have a hospitality cocktail party and a semi-formal dinner also. Of course by then none of my last year clothes will fit, so I will have to buy something new and very flattering.
So even though the holidays are right around the corner, my goals go beyond that and I will meet these goals. This will keep me on track during the holidays. I CAN DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!! With a little help from my friend and a lot of God's help.
Right now I'm still at work and must get some things done, so more later...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Battle of the Bulge - Week 7
Yeah for me....Lost 3.1 pounds this week, so that puts me at 206.4. Can't wait to get down into the ones. I have decided my reward for getting to the ones is I'm getting my hair done. It's been almost 6 months since I have had my hair done, and it needs to be done BAD. I have a problem with things that I need to have done, I never have the money and the time at the same time. Now if the kids need something, that's another story, they make you make time for their priorities. So no matter what that is my goal (hopefully in the next 2 weeks - only 6.4 pounds to go).
This is the second week of my colon cleanse. And for Sheilagh, it's not painful. It's not a colonic where they force some kinda water substance into your rectum and everything comes out. They did one of those on Tyra the week I was at home. It is a fiber powder that I mix with apple juice, and it cleans you out. And I must say it really works. Now, I'm not one that examines my bodily excretions, but just had to peek to see if it was really working. And yep, everything is coming out.
Had some great workouts this week with Tammy, doing cardio and strength training also. Just got back from one of those. I haven't been able to walk my mile in the morning this past week because I've been running late and having to go by and let my future inlaws dogs out. But dad is out of the hospital now and I'll be getting back to my routine and walk on my way to work. I feel so much more energized when I workout in the mornings, and then when I workout at night I sleep like a log. Tammy didn't workout with my on Thursday or Friday night, and I just don't push myself as much when she's not there.
I did start the Couch to 5k program last night while at the gym, but I could only run 4 of the 9 runs. I did it again today, and also did 4 of the 9 runs. So I've done Week 1 - Day 1 two days in a row. I will work up to all 9 runs, gotta start slow. After all I've only been exercising for 5 weeks. Prior to that my only exercise was raising my fork to mouth and now I'm doing 2 to 3 miles a day at least 5 days a week.
I haven't really been counting my calories these past two weeks, but have been doing pretty good. I know what I'm supposed to eat and if I just eat what I know I'm supposed eat I would be great. I don't have any particular cravings, so if I stick with what I know I do pretty well. But I do need to get back to the calorie counting so I know exactly how many calories I'm taking in versus what I'm burning.
The plan for the day is to clean out the closet, shrimp/spinach quesadillas for lunch, church and chicken something for dinner.
Quote for the Day - A goal without a plan is just a wish.
Now take on the day....(heard that somewhere, but don't know where)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Whatever happened to Thanksgiving
As I drove through town tonight, I noticed that all the Halloween decorations had been taken down and had been replaced with Christmas decorations. What is this all about??? When I was growing up it was unheard of to have your Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving night. We would go to downtown Atlanta and watch the lighting of the Great Christmas tree and then come home and put up our own tree. What has become of this life I once knew? Everyone has become so busy and everything goes by so fast. I guess everyone is trying to keep up the fast pace.
Ok enough of that on to the weight loss.
This week has not been quite as hectic, but I have been busy. Tammy and I have worked out together three day in a row, doing both cardio and weights. And boy am I feeling it. I did my cardio alone tonight.
I have been watching what I eat but have not been counting all the calories, but ever mindful of how many calories I am consuming.
I also started a colon cleanse last Sunday. It's a 14 day cleanse, and until today has not really been that bad. However, today it was unpredictable. I had to run from my office a couple of times and it interrupted my walk tonight, and had to stop half way go to the bathroom and come back.
So I'm hoping that all the exercise, good eating, colon cleanse and all the water I drink, will result in a good loss tomorrow morning. But only the scale will tell.
Quote of the day - There are two ways of attaining an important end, force and perseverance; the silent power of the latter grows irresistible with time.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Now I'm supposed to pass it on to 7 people who are deserving. This is hard because I feel all are deserving.
But here goes:
Kandice @ No more Chunky Dunking, time to Skinny Dip
Georgia Mist @ Gathering My Roses
Dawne @ 365 Days to a New Me
MaryFran @ A New Start: Losing Weight
Tina @ Fat Girl Dives In
What A Splurge
Amy @ The Not So Secret Life of a Not So Super Together Mom
And then I have to tell 6 interesting things about myself.....lets see.
1) I love dogs - I have 5 - All were rescued.
2) I have been married and divorced twice.
3) I have been on every diet known to woman.
4) I actually used to work out with a trainer - I still remember some things.
5) I have had the same job for 20 years.
6) I hate being alone, but I love being alone.
Now on to the blog...
Lets see its been forever since I posted, well not forever, but seems like it.
This has been a weird week, hectic and tiring.
Weigh In was Friday (Changed from Saturday), gained a pound. Not too bad but was hoping for a loss.
Saturday morning 3:30 Shane's mom calls to say his dad was rushed to the emergency room and had coded. They brought him back, but his heart kept spiking and they couldn't stabilize him. So he was admitted to the hospital.
Sunday we were to go to Tammy's mom's retirement party in Ellijay. Had my oatmeal for breakfast, went to the hospital, forgot about lunch, saved my calories for the party - Chicken & Potato Salad, then got an unexpected call shortly after we arrived saying they had to shock Shane's dad again. So we flew to the hospital, and I missed dinner. By the time we left it was just too late to eat dinner, so I had a small bowl of Special K and went to bed.
All this also meant no time for workout.
Monday, had to go back to work. I was so tired and slept through the alarm, which meant no workout on the way to work. I did well with Breakfast and Lunch at work, and I think I had enough water. Went to the hospital to see Dad. He had a Heart Cath today. Late getting home again, so no dinner.
Tuesday, work again, still tired, slept through the alarm again. So no workout on the way to work again. Did well with Breakfast and Lunch at work. Then back to the hospital to see Dad. Late getting home again, but was hungry. Found some mini candy bars in the pantry (that Shane left), so I ate 4 of them. Probably not a good idea that late at night.
Wednesday, work again, woke up when the alarm went off, but couldn't get up because I was so tired. Breakfast was good, but started getting nauseous by lunch, so I skipped lunch. Dad had a heart ablasion (sp?) today, where they burned off the dead parts of his heart. He came through the procedure great. I didn't go to the hospital tonight because I was still feeling nauseous and I don't want to give Dad anything, just in case it's a stomach virus. But I also did not go workout.
I plan to start working out again on Friday, hopefully. I just feel like I need to be with Shane and his family during this time, so it's hard to get in everything that needs to be done.
So now I'm sitting here at home, not really feeling like eating but I ate a grilled cheese sandwich. And now I'm off to bed.
Quote for the Day - There is abundant testimony that if we choose love rather than self, we gain immeasurably.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
ONE MONTH - Battle of the Bulge
As of yesterday, I have been on this journey for a month. I will however, do my one month weigh in on Friday. So we will see how GOOD I have done then. No matter what it is it is all GOOD. I feel that just my moving more is a great accomplishment, and I feel good, so it's gotta be good.
Tammy and I joined the gym yesterday. Yes I know I just joined a gym a week or so ago, but it's better to do it with someone. It is great, because it's more motiviation. I only join month to month gyms, no long term contract. So I will cancel the other membership.
Last night we worked on the machines and only did 1 rep of 15 each, and then walked on the treadmill. I am very motivated working out with Tammy. She has been at this a little longer than I have so she's more advanced at the walking/jogging than I am. I think I was just lucky she hurt her knee and wasn't going 4 miles last We did 2.2 or so, I was ready to stop at 1, but I kept going, and I felt so accomplished when I was done. I will start incorporating the jogging into my walking soon, I was walking faster last night and I probably could have jogged some but that will come soon enough.
I have been working at home this week and it is much harder to keep track of what I'm eating. I am aware, but there are so many more choices. When I'm at work I pack my food to take with me, and that's all there is, no extra munchies. And I do not visit the vending machines, I steer clear of that room at all costs. At home there's way too much to tempt me, and knowing the groceries have to last two weeks does not usually deter me. I actually bought some 100 calorie Weight Watchers lemon cakes, and I have not even opened them, talk about will power.
I also find I don't drink as much water when I'm at home for some reason. I just get busy and don't go to the fridge and get it. At work I'm looking at the computer all day, so I have to just walk away sometimes and that is when I go and refill my water bottle.
But all in all my food hasn't been that bad this week, I actually only bought good food when I got groceries. My son of course has to have not so good food, because he's a growing boy, but the next two weeks he's gonna eat good.
So I haven't really been counting my calories, I just kinda keep a running total in my head. Which right now is getting to be tough, I have so many numbers running in my head...I try not to think of much when I'm not working because there are so many numbers I work with, it just makes my head hurt.
So for yesterday, food was good, water not bad. Today so far had my Oatmeal, 12 grain toast and a banana, and a bottle of water. So far so good.
Gotta get to work now, more later.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Battle of the Bulge - Day 27 - WEIGH DAY
WooHoo I am down 4 pounds this week, down to 209. That makes 13 total lost. Not too bad for mother nature rearing her ugly head also. I was hoping for more, but I'll take it.
Today was not a bad day entirely. I did well with breakfast, Oatmeal and a Banana. Lunch was Spinach & Shrimp Quesadilla on Wheat tortilla. But then, we went to church and the Coffee Bar was a callin' me...because it was so cold. So I had a Dark Raspberry Mocha which is, oh heck I have no idea how many calories but I know its not good. AND not only did I have one, but during the half hour wait for the second service (while Shane is doing the parking duty) I had to have another one. SO two Dark Raspberry Mochas in one day, is probably way over my calories. BUT I did make a delicious dinner which was only 327 calories, Creamy Chicken & Wild Rice which I put in the crock pot and simmered all day.
AND I did not work out today. I had every intention of working out, drove to the gym and the power was out. Couldn't even get in. And we were looking for Shane a new car today, so I didn't get back by there later in the day. But I did drink lots of water.
Plan for tomorrow - Work out in the morning, make homemade pizza for lunch and Prayer Meeting tomorrow night where we are having Chicken Spaghetti. Water, Water and more water.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Battle of the Bulge - Day 26
So to start out my morning today, my alarm goes off and I was prepared to get up early and go workout. I turned on the news while I was waking up, and the power went off. I looked out the window to see if other lights were off in the neighborhood, and I could have sworn I saw a light shining in my bedroom window. I went to the door, and saw nothing. I think it was just the guy up the street walking his dogs. Turns out the power went off on my street for some reason. But this did not deter me from my mission at hand, I got a candle, took my shower and went to the gym. Walked my mile and 5 minutes on the elliptical before going to work.
While I was at the gym today I saw a paper on eating fiber to lose fat, which was exactly what I thought I was doing, but as noted in my post the other day, sometimes this is not pretty. As I am reading it says "Just heed the warnings: take it slow if you don't eat much fiber. Adding too much fiber at one time can cause bloating, gas and other uncomfortable stomach problems." What warning?? There were no warnings given to me. I go on to read about the fiber and how to get more fiber into your diet without even trying. And it appears that apples, bananas & popcorn fall into this category. So not only was I having the FiberOne Muffin with my oatmeal, but I was also having a banana. Then I have apples and popcorn for my snack. No wonder I exploded. The only thing I can say is I better lose some weight this week.
I have found that EVERYTHING has sodium in it, even milk. Since I have been counting calories, I look carefully at the sodium content, and I am very surprised at the sodium levels in everything. Why does everything have sodium? I have never cooked with salt, and if I buy canned vegetables I always buy the ones with no salt added.
I have NSVs to report also.
When I bought milk this week, my son was with me, and I reached for the 1% milk because I'm trying to get the kids down to the skim without shock. My son says to me, "why don't you just get the skim? we used to always get that". Which is right, I had actually raised the kids on skim milk, but when I got married my husband did not like skim, and we had to go to 2%.
I pulled my jacket out of the closet today and went to zip it up and it actually fit, without being snug. Last year I wouldn't zip it up because the elastic band at the bottom came right under my belly and made me look pregnant. Now it just hangs. I was so excited.
ALSO, I got my jeans out last weekend, and they actually fit. I haven't worn these jeans in over a year. My son actually asked me one time why I always wore jeans that had elastic in it, and all I could say was "Because I'm fat, and they are comfortable". My jeans are no longer tight and I can breathe when I sit down.
I think I stayed within my calories today, I have not tracked the past three days, but I am conscious of what what I'm eating and running the calories in my head. It is much easier to do it on the computer, but I have been so busy with work, that I haven't had time to figure it up.
So I'm hoping for at least 3 pounds when I weigh in tomorrow. I'll post then and let ya know. For now, I am so tired and I am ready to go to bed.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Do I Really Look Like That?
I watched the Biggest Loser last night, and I'm looking at them at the weigh in and some of them weigh what I weigh, and I'm saying to myself I don't look like that...but then who actually thinks they look as fat and flabby as they really do. And the sports bras and bicycle shorts...I wouldn't be caught outside my house, let alone on national tv, in my shape. AND...I don't think I would kill myself working out like they do, I mean really push, push, push then pass out??? I guess that's why I won't lose that big 8 or 16 pounds in a week. My daughter actually wanted us to try out for that show at one time, and I considered it for about...until I actually watched the show, and then no way am I going to punish myself like that.
So I say to myself...Is that really what I look like? and self says YES, yes you do look like that, and you need to do something about it. My self is always brutally
Yesterday I worked out before work - 1 mile on the treadmill and 30 crunches. I'm pressed for time on my way to work, which is the reason I only do one mile.
Then I stopped again on my way home - only 2 miles on the treadmill and 15 minutes on the elliptical.
Today I did not work out - I took the day off from working out, but I'll be back at it in the morning.
My calorie count yesterday was good. I'm trying to work more into my menu, so I can at least get the 1500 calories for consistency. However, the past two mornings I have had a FiberOne blueberry muffin, which are very delicious. Now, I usually need a little more fiber, and usually fiber in foods don't work, but dang, those muffins worked and by the 1 hour ride home, I was regretting the fiber from today. Had to stop half way home, and thought I would not make it, but thankfully did.
Now I'm off to bed, tired today.
Quote of the day - and this is hit right at home, because of my little talk with self last night.
Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special.
Monday, October 12, 2009
I've Been Doing it all wrong
I had a very eye opening day today. I went to the gym for my fitness and nutrition consultation. I learned alot about me during this consult.
1. I can walk a mile on the treadmill at 3.5 mph in only 17 minutes and not die.
2. I am not eating enough calories. She says I need to be eating between 1650 and 1900. Dear Lord, how do you eat that many calories and lose weight. I'd have to eat 5 300 calorie meals a day and have 5 100 calorie snacks. I'm having a tough time getting in 1500 every day.
3. My BMI is 42.55% and it should be 22 to be healthy. (I knew this was not going to be good)
4. I have a poor heart rate. Walking a mile at 3.5 mph my heart rate was only 126 and it should be 141-150 to effectively burn calories.
5. Strength training really hurts. I guess it's not supposed to, but...when you haven't really done any in a long time, it hurts.
6. And the real shocker...I am obese. (Ok I already knew that too)
So it appears that the 2.5 miles I walk in an hour is really not that good. I thought I was burning calories, but apparently I am not. I thought the point was to eat less and move more, but I think I may have been wrong on that point also.
Now not to mention, mother nature is paying a visit, and I feel like crap and don't really feel like working out. But the fatty me would just stay in bed and use this as an excuse, but the skinny me will be pushing on and go and work out and do at least a mile at 3.5, then I may slow down a little, cuz I thought my leg was gonna fall off.
I have decided that when I get to the 10 pound lost marker - I am buying the armband for my IPhone so I have no more mishaps with the flying phone. So hopefully I am hitting the 10 pound mark this week.
Free Calorie Counter | ||||||||||||
Cal | Fat | Sat | Chl | Sod | Crb | Fib | Sug | Pro | ||||
Breakfast | ||||||||||||
1 | cup | Milk, nonfat, fluid, with added vitamin A (fat free or skim) | 83 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 103 | 12 | 0 | 12 | 8 | |
1 | serving | Oatmeal | 150 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 27 | 4 | 1 | 5 | |
233 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 103 | 39 | 4 | 13 | 13 | ||||
Lunch | ||||||||||||
1 | serving | Weight Watchers Smart Ones - Angel Hair Marinara | 230 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 640 | 40 | 4 | 7 | 9 | |
230 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 640 | 40 | 4 | 7 | 9 | ||||
Dinner | ||||||||||||
1 | Serving - 311 G | HEALTHY CHOICE DINNER - DINNER - CHICKEN PARMIGIANA 11 OZ BOX | 320 | 9 | 3 | 20 | 600 | 40 | 6 | 10 | 20 | |
320 | 9 | 3 | 20 | 600 | 40 | 6 | 10 | 20 | ||||
Snack | ||||||||||||
1 | 1 Container | Fiber One Vanilla Yogurt | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 13 | 5 | 4 | 3 | |
1 | Serving - 38 G | ORVILLE REDENBACHER'S - MICROWAVE POPCORN - SMART POP BUTTER 94% FAT FREE 3 OZ 3 PK BOX | 110 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 360 | 26 | 6 | 0 | 4 | |
1 | cup | Grapes, red or green (European type, such as Thompson seedless), raw | 104 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 27 | 1 | 23 | 1 | |
264 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 418 | 66 | 12 | 27 | 8 | ||||
Water Tracker | ||||||||||||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||||||||||
Totals Target Balance | 1047 1500 70 453 | 18 65 28 47 | 5 20 25 15 | 25 300 8 275 | 1761 2400 73 639 | 185 300 62 115 | 26 25 104 1 | 57 50 114 7 | 50 50 100 0 | |||
Cal | Fat | Sat | Chl | Sod | Crb | Fib | Sug | Pro | ||||
Activity | ||||||||||||
Totals | 0 | |||||||||||
Quote of the day - Acceptance is not submission; it is acknowledgement of the facts of a situation. Then deciding what you're going to do about it.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Battle of the Bulge - Day 21
The weekend is always very busy for me, because I work all week and don't have time to do anything around the house. My boyfriend spends most weekends with me, so I am cooking for him, but he's pretty much conditioned to eating low fat, low calorie foods so he's good with that. If he wants something that's not necessarily healthy, I'll make it for him and I'll make me something else, but this really doesn't happen alot. Since I have started working out I get up make breakfast go work out while he catches up on his emails or whatever it is he's doing on his computer, then we get on with our day.
Today I worked out this morning, 2.5 miles on the treadmill and 30 crunches and then this afternoon my son wanted to go for a bike ride. Now I do not own a bike, so I walked. We went to the Allatoona Pass trail, the trail is out 1.25 miles and then back, for a total of 2.5 miles. Now I know why I do the treadmill at the gym, because I just wouldn't do that everyday. There are rocks that you step on and twist your ankle, mosquitoes, gnats, etc. I mean don't get me wrong I love nature, I just think nature does not love me. I am more for the modern conveniences.
I can really tell I've been working out in my legs and my back. So all in all for today I did 5 miles, I think it may be easier to do it at two different times, then it doesn't seem like it's all that much at once.
So Yay for the exercise part of my day.
My foods for the day, still staying under my calorie limit of 1500. So its just been an all around good day.
Free Diet Log | ||||||||||||
Cal | Fat | Sat | Chl | Sod | Crb | Fib | Sug | Pro | ||||
Breakfast | ||||||||||||
1 | serving | Oatmeal | 150 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 27 | 4 | 1 | 5 | |
1 | cup | Milk, nonfat, fluid, with added vitamin A (fat free or skim) | 83 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 103 | 12 | 0 | 12 | 8 | |
233 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 103 | 39 | 4 | 13 | 13 | ||||
Lunch | ||||||||||||
1 | serving | Oven Roasted Turkey Breast | 90 | 5 | 2 | 30 | 680 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 9 | |
1 | serving | Small Tortilla | 100 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 290 | 16 | 1 | 1 | 3 | |
1 | serving | Swiss Cheese | 110 | 9 | 0 | 30 | 130 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | |
0.5 | serving | Raspberry Ginger Ale | 70 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 | 19 | 0 | 19 | 0 | |
370 | 17 | 3 | 60 | 1130 | 37 | 1 | 21 | 20 | ||||
Dinner | ||||||||||||
1 | 1 meal 10.5 oz | Healthy Choice® - Traditional Turkey Breasts - frozen entree | 320 | 5 | 2 | 30 | 600 | 49 | 5 | 23 | 20 | |
320 | 5 | 2 | 30 | 600 | 49 | 5 | 23 | 20 | ||||
Snack | ||||||||||||
1 | Serving - 38 G | ORVILLE REDENBACHER'S - MICROWAVE POPCORN - SMART POP BUTTER 94% FAT FREE 3 OZ 3 PK BOX | 110 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 360 | 26 | 6 | 0 | 4 | |
1 | 1 Container | Fiber One Vanilla Yogurt | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 13 | 5 | 4 | 3 | |
1 | serving | Super Fruit Cup | 70 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 18 | 2 | 14 | 1 | |
230 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 425 | 57 | 13 | 18 | 8 | ||||
Water Tracker | ||||||||||||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||||||||||
Totals Target Balance | 1153 1500 77 347 | 27 65 42 38 | 6 20 30 14 | 95 300 32 205 | 2258 2400 94 142 | 182 300 61 118 | 23 25 92 2 | 75 50 150 25 | 61 50 122 11 | |||
Cal | Fat | Sat | Chl | Sod | Crb | Fib | Sug | Pro | ||||
Activity | ||||||||||||
Totals | 0 | |||||||||||
Well it has been a long day, and I am so tired so I'm headed to the shower and then to bed. Don't forget to check out my daughter's blog (listed in my blog roll) No more Chunky Dunking time to Skinny Dip.
My quote - One of the greatest tragedies of the average person is the tendency to spend our whole lives perfecting our faults.
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