About Me

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Kennesaw, Georgia, United States
My name is Billie, I am a 43 year old mother of two. I have been mostly losing the battle of the bulge for the past 20+ years, now I'm ready to lose it for good. Come along on my journey to beat the battle.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Phil 4:13

Friday, October 9, 2009

Battle of the Bulge - Day 19

I did it...I actually got up early today and went to the gym before work. I walked a mile on the treadmill and did 5 minutes on the ellipitical. Then after work I stopped there on my way home and walked a mile and a half and did 10 minutes on the ellipitical. Now I'm pooped.

I must say that I love my boyfriend so much. He is so encouraging. He doesn't tell me that he loves me just the way I am and I don't need to lose weight, but he doesn't tell me I don't either. He just cheers me on with my endeavors. I think this is the reason I would lose and gain back before, I never had anyone who just cheered me on. They either told me I didn't need to lose weight or they criticized me. I am very happy in my relationship and I think that really helps me with my daily weight loss. We had talked about me working out in the mornings before I go to work, and he said I should probably work up to it. But this morning I got up 30 minutes earlier and just did it. I was so excited I had to text him as soon as I got done, and he said "Cool, you go babe". I just love him.

I did good with my calories today. I haven't figured them all up yet, but I made the best jambalya tonight. I used brown rice instead of white and used turkey kiebasa instead of beef. The boyfriend loved it.

I weigh in tomorrow, so we'll see if the day of exercise burned enough calories to have a loss.

Quote for the day - If you don't know what you want, you won't recognize it when you get it.


  1. Oh I love that quote!! And I must hear the recipe on this jambalaya...I've never made it in my life!!!! I know the version I want to make though has to have chicken, shrimp and sausage in it....does this sound anything like your recipe?? That's just awesome about the exercise!! I'm hoping I don't get rained out tomorrow so I can get my 5 miles in at the park. I did 5 today, but the plan is to do it EVERY day! :)

  2. By the way, they're having a dog frisbee championship at the park tomorrow morning...I think around 10am...we're taking Scarlette. :)

  3. You are a great lady I support you in everything that you do. I hope you meet your goals as you set them. I look forward to a long life with you.

  4. Hi, Billie, new reader here (read all the older posts) ..have to say I am very impressed w/the gym stop BEFORE work! Go girl!

    I was wondering if your son had the jambalaya too and what he thought? Great job on the slight modifications. I am doing that as well & it is working at my house. (substitutions, mods)

    Shane sounds like a great guy/super support. Glad you have that.
