Ok this pic has nothing to do with my post, but thought it was good.
I have been inspired. All the blogs I read are inspirational, but two or three imparticular (all are listed on my blog roll).
The first one is Sean at The Daily Diary of a Winning Loser. I started reading his blog last year and have found it very inspirational. It keeps me going sometimes when I think I cannot go any further. He has been at this for a long time and has lost a great deal of weight, and doing it the healthy way on his own. I have learned alot from his blog, and can't wait for the book (a definiate buy, even on my strict budget).
Secondly, is my friend Tammy at From Fat to Fab. She got me started blogging, and actually wanting to lose this weight. I kept telling her I wasn't ready to get started again, yet. We even worked out together for a while, but life and circumstances got in the way, and we have found different workout partners. I have found her blog very motivational, and inspiring also. She also trained my hubby to eat healthier when they were roommates, so he really doesn't mind eating the healthy stuff I cook.
And thirdly, is Pam from The Rest of The Journey. She has inspired me to do a half marathon and also to do the Biggest Loser Husband vs Wife Challenge. She has a lot of good ideas, and is very motivational. I have also stolen some of her recipes (From Apples to Zucchini) and the hubby loves most of them.
I also stole this badge from Pam (hope it's alright) !!!! I would make my own, but apparently I am not that smart.

I'm not sure if the hubby is totally on board with the Biggest Loser Husband vs Wife Challenge, but he told me he would do it if it makes me happy. He always wants to make me happy.
So we started our Challenge on Monday, but we are going to do our weigh ins on Friday. Our starting weights were:
Billie 198
Shane 220
For our first weigh in our results are:
Billie 196 ( -2)
Shane 219 ( -1)
That's just a smidge over 1% of percentage of body weight lost, so we aren't going to count that just yet.
We really didn't get off to a tremendous start, we have been watching what we eat and I am cooking healthier. We haven't gotten the exercise worked in yet, but we will be doing that next week.
There was a lot of stressful situations this week. I had a migraine for three days and only got six hours sleep in three days, which is a big reason I did not get in any exercise. That and the fact we haven't joined the gym yet. I know, I know we could walk around the neighborhood or go to the park, but it's just not really the same to me. It feels as if I'm not really working out.
I LOVE THE BIGGEST LOSER!!!! I was so excited about the premiere episode this week, and then I had a family emergency and missed it. It shows on the On Demand listing, but this episode has not shown up in the list yet. I'm hoping it's there tonight so I can watch it. I saw the first 20 minutes of it and then had to leave the house and didn't get back until 3am. I really hate to see people struggle so much, but it's inspirational and motivational to see that they can do it. I'm not one to push myself further than I think I can go. I'd be the one that just quits because my knee hurts or I'm out of breath. Just because it's too hard.
I did attempt a bike ride earlier in the week, mainly just goofing off with the kids, but boy am I out of shape. I only went about a 10th of a mile, if that. The first little bit was great, it was downhill. Then comes the hard part back up the hill the to the driveway. I got about two driveways up and had to stop and walk the rest of the way. I couldn't catch my breath and had to sit down. Now it could have been the fact that it was the 2nd day of the migraine, but probably not. Probably more likely that it was I'm just out of shape!!!
But anyhow, I'm back on track and we're going to do this !!!!! Yes we are !!!!
I am trying to put on a happy face and get through the stress that is bogging me down. Gotta get to working out, eating right and drinking my water. This challenge will help me to get ready for that half marathon I am bound and determined to do next year. I will do it!!!!
I found these quotes on Goals & Goal Setting, Words to live by
The virtue lies in the struggle not the prize. - Robert Monckton Milnes
It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Who aims at excellence will be above mediocrity; who aims at mediocrity will be far short of it. - Burmese Saying
In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia - Author Unknown
Thank you BJ, I'm thrilled that my blog has inspired you!! That makes me very happy and proud!!! Look for the book in March 2011!! I'm beyond thrilled!!!! ;)